The woman of fire sign of Aries, everything tha she loves, how she kiss, how she connect with other people


To be worshiped for a men of strong pulse that makes she feels every day more woman, this is the way that the Arian woman like to be loved. "The love is big and fits in this window on the sea. The sea is big and fits in the bed and in the mattress of loving. The love is big and ifits in the abbreviated moment of kissing." (Carlos Drummond of Andrade)

The woman of Aries and her characteristics - Sign of Aries

The woman of the sign of Aries likes to be admired, especially for man of Martian (strong and soldierly) type, she likes the sensation to subdue them; internally very sensual, she doesn't manifest it oppenly.

characteristics of arian womanMars makes her impatient, bossy and superprotector, in such degrees that can turn her very upset. She wants that the man put his attention only to her, being several times zealous and possessive.

She doesn't tolerate na doesn’t forgive the infidelity easily.

She possesses directing capacities and it can carry out them with success; good companion, she can feel great admiration and love for her partner; she needs to be accompanied by a man of more pride and command power that her.

Aries is dreamer and romantic; in love she can overflow in passionate feelings, and her jealous attitude is immoderate. Due the Martian fire, she is intense and pertinacious (once lit Eros' fire); however, as fire in dry straw, passes fast without leaving trace.

The Arian woman’s partner cannot be strong like her, because this would create great conflicts, for example, in the case of the authoritarian Lion.

She has a very developed protection sense to her pair and it displeases her a lot not to accomplish such end.

Although it seems incredible, it can succumb before somebody stronger than her, and this will be a true and lasting love.

How Arian woman kiss

The Aryan kisses with the whole body. He pulses, he surrenders... and at the same time he dominates.He/she travels the mouth wanted with fire and passion. He/she has no concern for superficial kisses, because he/she likes to feel the emotion and the intense energy on that special moment.

The behavior

First sign of the Zodiac, Aries symbolizes the beginning of everything. It is the sign of the beginnings, that projects in the present time, with his/her enormous life pulsation, the idea or the desire. Aries symbolizes the moment of the birth and the fight for the life. It is fighting that something is conquered and Aries likes a good fight, in that can concentrate all his/her faith and his/her mind.

The force of the instinct, that makes way among the difficulties is just moved by the will of imposing his/herself. Before consideration, Aries gives of shoulders: the one that imports is the enthusiasm of the combat for something that needs happen. Then, the rashness, the impatience, the statement of an independent desire, that doesn't obey rules and the refusal to the classification.

In spite of the extrovertion and the precipitate action, Aries is a pioneer, a visionary that respects what he/she feels. In some field of the life, Aries must project, impose in the life the fire that inspires his/her life, and to feel that he/she is alive, it is capable to row against all the streams.

Because that this is a sign that few times bend to the strange wills, and doesn’t adapt to the considerations - that he/she can show it in the firmness of convictions and in the independence of behavior. The lie bewilders him/her and the hypocrisy confuses him/her. An objective for which to struggle gives hope and vitality to this resolved being that longs for the ecstasy in all of the fields of the life.

Aries rules the head and the brain. In this, a center of energy (chakra = circle or center) related with Aries exists. That is the power that comes from the certainty that he/she is somebody, that the person exists in the world. It is common to find an Aries fighting for years with headache attacks, almost always motivated by the frustration of a desire, or because he/she had to force to walk in the other people's rhythm - it is in the work or in another field. The high fevers, the sharp diseases - everything that demands fast intervention and it warms up is ruled by Aries.

How the woman of Aries gets dressed

Signs of Fire: Aries, Lion, Sagittarius

The fire signs like to get attention. The women mainly, but the men also - you will see a lot of man of Lion with printed shirt, of strong colors! In general those signs are well with more vibrant colors, the colors of the fire - orange, red, yellow - and also the mixtures of those colors. They are capable to dare to mix dark blue with yellow, combinations of the colors that represent Sun brightness.

Fire signs are basically sport style. the wife of Aries feels good with sneakers, joggings, shirts, gymnastics clothes, jackets, molletons, pants fuseau or leggings and jeans, a lot of jeans. Nothing that demands a lot of production and care! They are impatient women - they are not them that choose the clothes, the clothes is that chooses them!. She is totally in with low shoes, canvas shoes, moccasins, boots, perfect for her accelerated step, her agitated temperament.

The hair will always be short, easy to wash. Leave house of wet head, without sophistication, without fussy. Wide overalls, masculine shirts, blazers type jacket, make her style. He/she adores the colors that remind the fire. The red and orange are their favorite ones. When they dye the hair prefer the tones acobreados or the natural henna, that reddens lightly.

In general they are pioneering. Among the Aryans they are the first followers of the unisex fashion, of the sporting clothes, of the "No to the bra". All this today is in the fashion. In the reality, they didn't do more than to accompany the changes of the woman's behavior.

The Sign of Aries and the Love

  • How does he kiss
  • The dreams
  • Behavior
  • How he gets dressed
  • How does she kiss
  • The dreams
  • Behavior
  • How she gets dressed
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Sign of Aries


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